Are Vampyres Perceptibly Different To Non-Vampyres? 10/10 Reiki Practitioners Say “YES!”

VAIn a poll conducted between July and August 2015 the South African Vampyre Academy, a VC research and statistics gathering entity, found that ten out of ten Reiki practitioners interviewed claimed to be not only aware of Vampyres and vampyric people, but also to be able to identify them by their energy signatures, by sight, feel or touch, suggesting that there is something definable and different between Vampyres or vampyric people and non-Vampyres which warrants further investigation.

Why use Reiki as a measure to try to determine if Vampyres are any different to non-Vampyres?

According to various authorities, Reiki is a ‘psuedo-science’, meaning that it is based upon things which have not been ‘empirically proven’ to exist – things like ‘qi’ or ‘chi’ energy – the mysterious ‘essence’ upon which Vampyres claim to feed by various means.

Conventional science appears to deny that there are any benefits to Reiki, although they do concede that Reiki “may be used as a supplement to standard medical treatment.

While not a total denial of there being ‘something’ to Reiki, energy work or other treatment systems relating to what we in the Vampyre Community call ‘subtle energies’, it is at least granted some place in the world of healing techniques, even a ‘supplementary’ one by the ‘grace’ of organized and high-finance medical corporations that run the field of medicine these days.

The UK Argus newspaper recently reported on a hospital which offers Reiki treatments as a supplementary:

Studies have shown the therapy can relieve symptoms of chronic and acute illness, manage stress levels and aid relaxation and sleep.

Consultant paediatrician Kamal Patel said: “The Reiki treatment has improved sleep, fear, anxiety, distress and pain for children on our paediatric critical unit over and above what we can achieve through modern medicine.” – The Argus

But why Reiki? Reiki practitioners (graded between level 1 and level 3 – the third being the grade of ‘Master’) are often ‘gifted’ people – at least, in the light of being more perceptive of human or animal energies, able to see auras or feel energy fields and the like.

If there is anything different about Vampyres and vampyric people, then it is only logical that these people – or at least, the more perceptive or talented or experienced among them – should be among those who could perceive it?

While skeptics of the holistic healing practice may claim “Reiki to be a pseudoscientific theory based on metaphysical concepts” (which in their terms most likely translate as “a load of balderdash akin to prayer healing”) there is still a lot about the practice of Reiki – and the insights of those who practice it – which science cannot explain, either with or without empirical evidence; inclusion of the practice as a ‘supplementary treatment’ notwithstanding.

True, Reiki practitioners are often unique individuals, with their own talents and skills, and their own way of perceiving things in the world around them – but even if you are a skeptic of the practice of Reiki, and even if you are a skeptic when it comes to self-identifying Vampyres, then when a group of people who have not worked together in a syndicate to answer the same questions about them give strikingly similar answers, you should be moved to take notice.

Some people may wonder why use an informal ‘science’ or ‘art’ to identify Vampyres? Surely Reiki’s ‘lack of scientific accreditation’ will mean such a survey would be ‘worthless’ academically speaking?

The view of the Academy in this regard is that should reiki practitioners be capable of correctly identifying self-identifying Vampyres within a significant margin of error, and within acceptable test conditions, then there should be something more to Vampyres – and to Reiki – than mere opinion, conjecture or agreement by survey. A test conducted under laboratory conditions, with ‘placebos’ and suitable precautions to ensure consistency. This survey is by no means confirmation of such a test having been done already, nor does it in any way claim to be a substitute for such a test; just a good indicator that such a test is warranted.

A very good indicator.

Coming back to the survey, the aim of the survey was to:

  • determine whether Reiki practitioners/energy healers are aware of Vampyres/vampyric people, or to what extent;
    determine to what extent Reiki practitioners/energy healers believe they are able to identify Vampyres/vampyric people;
  • to determine what, if anything, Reiki practitioners/energy healers believe makes Vampyres/vampyric people different from non-Vampyres.
  • determine how Reiki practitioners/energy healers perceive self-identifying Vampyres and vampyric people in a social sense.

Very important to note is that none of the participants in this survey knew that there were other participants, and were canvassed separately. None of them saw each other’s answers either, before the results were released on 18 August on the SA Vampyre Academy’s website.

There were several positive and negative points noted from this survey. Among the positives were: that in terms of the aims of this survey, the information gathered from the ten respondents indicates that Reiki practitioners:

  • demonstrate that the community of Reiki practitioners appears to be at least in general aware of Vampyres/vampyric people;
  • demonstrate that the community of Reiki practitioners appears to at least in general believe they are able to identify Vampyres/vampyric people by sight, feel or touch; (The delivery on this point warrants further research.)
  • provided general descriptions of what appears different to them about Vampyres/vampyric people, and thereby providing reason to investigate further what makes Vampyres/vampyric people different from non-Vampyres; (The delivery on this point warrants further research.)

The negative points of the survey were that some of the Reiki practitioners canvassed by this survey:

  • demonstrated that while they are able to detect Vampyres or vampyric people, there is a marked division in how they perceive and understand what Vampyre and vampyric people ARE;
  • demonstrated a prevalent classical misunderstanding about self-identifying Vampyres and vampyric people and the Vampyre subculture in a social sense, along with some stereotyping and prejudice which appears to be promoted by a combination of ignorance, misinformation and resulting prejudice.

In short, this means that while the respondents could detect or identify Vampyres and even treat their various ailments from an holistic and energy standpoint, they literally know little if anything about Vampyre nature, the Vampyre community or subculture, and may even be suspicious of or somewhat hostile to Vampyres they encounter. This is hardly the ideal situation for anyone approaching any kind of healer, to be met with a potentially hostile individual who may view their nature as a ‘disease’ and instead of addressing whatever ailments they are consulting for, would prefer to try and ‘cure’ them of that!

While they have the apparent ability to identify Vampyres and vampyric people, from non-vampyric people, they appear to know little or nothing about the underlying causes or nature of the Vampyre or vampyric condition, interalia, some of them believe that it is a condition which is the result of interaction, a lifestyle choice or belief system, or which can or should be ‘cured’, in some cases viewing Vampyres or vampyric people as being harmful or dangerous to others, and especially the notion that vampyric people should be ‘cured’ even against their wishes.

In fact, at least one respondent appeared to indicate that Vampyres do not wish to be ‘cured’ whereas in that person’s opinion, they ‘should’ desire to be ‘cured’ of what more than one respondent asserted is a form of disease rather than their core nature.

The above appears to indicate a lack of understanding from the awakened Vampyre or vampyric person’s viewpoint that the vampyric condition is not an illness or disease which requires ‘curing’ – but rather that it requires the understanding of others, including Reiki practitioners.

It is for this very reason that the Academy suggests that any Vampyre or vampyric person in the process of consulting a Reiki practitioner should be warned that not all Reiki practitioners will be benevolent or understanding towards Vampyres, whether awakened or not – and that they should ascertain for themselves whether the practitioner is Vampyre-friendly and what they will be doing for or to their energy systems.

Adverse effects experienced post-treatment which could be the result of a misunderstanding of the vampyric energy system should be investigated with the help of an energy-worker or Reiki practitioner within the Vampyre Community as soon as possible to avoid long-term negative effects.

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