Ghost Spotter Boo-ed Out Of Existence?

Ghost Spotter Boo-edLast week we put a Facebook group in the spotlight, called Ghost Spotter. The group claimed to be infiltrating and “taking down” “a well-known vampire house” in East London. A day after our article appeared, this page disappeared from Facebook, without explanation.

Despite the humorous element (regardless of whether this was intentional) there has been speculation that the owner of the imaginative, if somewhat goofy page simply had enough of the attention from diverse visitors, with a bombardment of criticism being leveled at the religious fundamentalist nature of the posts and focus of the group calling itself “Ghost Spotter East London” – and taken it down.

Alternate theories range from the group being reported by disgruntled or offended Facebook users, and potential radiation leaks (WE HAVE SCIENTIFIC DATA TO SUPPORT THIS THEORY) and UFO’s.

It is still unknown whether any real-life group called “Ghost Spotter East London” exists outside of the Facebook page, but it is still considered safe to assume that the page was a lampoon or spoof site similar to the well-known website “God Hates Goth dot com”, a site which mocks religious conservative criticism of both Goth and Vampyre lifestyles, and conservatives who blame violence and other social ills on things like rock music and video games.

Residents in Gonubie, East London who were contacted about the claims of a “Devil’s Avenue” had no idea what we were talking about. No real surprises there. Community insiders also maintain there are no known Vampyre Community groups (Houses or Temples) and “no ‘vampire church’ in East London”.

At the time this article was posted, the Ghost Spotter still could not be – well, spotted.

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